Sunday, February 14, 2016

Phase One 2016

Originally we had hoped that we would reach our phase one goal by April of this year because that would be one full year of our journey. When we broke down our debt we did it the way Dave tells you to, smallest to largest bill. Pay off the little ones because it gives you momentum for your next bill to be paid off. We had to spend about three months playing catch up, because that is how far behind we were in the beginning. After getting our feet on the ground, we made some head way for another month or so before we had another bump in the road, that being me quitting my job. So then we spent the next two months scraping by until I found my to new jobs, and I am still waiting to start at my full-time position in April. To make a long story short, we fell off track for phase one.
Our original phase one was to pay off credit cards and small bills. We will not make this goal by April 2016. The new phase one is on track to be completed by the end of the year 12/31/16. Our total for phase one started at $15,425.64. This is a combination of credit cards and medical bills only. We would love to pay this off before December, and anything is possible when you have God on your side. After completing  phase one we will have approximately $600 to apply to phase two. We have a current time line for completing phase two in a year also, but I am very hopeful that we will be able to get this accomplished in 6 months! The reason I say that is because the total for Phase two is already less than phase one, and we are decreasing that amount each month in the process. So I am hopeful that by April 2017 we will have Phase one & two finished. That will be 2 years into our journey, and although I want this mess cleaned up like yesterday, I am learning that this is a process. We made this mess over the past 13 years, and getting it gone is a marathon and not a sprint.

January 2016- New year, same goal.

So we pushed through another month of uncertainty. The fluctuation of income is so extremely stressful for me. I do so much better if I know exact numbers and not estimates. I was hopeful that my full-time position would give me the go ahead and let me start one month early. I will be benefited so much when I can actually start there, our insurance will be very affordable for us then, not to mention a bigger & steady paycheck each month. However, despite my hope in starting on March 1 I will not be able to until April 1. So until then I will hurry up and wait!
I am so tired of hanging on..... I am tired, and feelings of disgust and aggravation have tried their hardest to take over inside of me. Yesterday was the breaking point. Hunter's Jeep has decided to stop working, leaving him without a vehicle. (Sounds like the transmission, although I pray not) I was already worried about finishing out the month just barely getting by, and then that has to happen. We are down to the exact emergency balance that you are suppose to keep in savings too. This will not be enough to cover Hunter's Jeep repair. We are more than over it at this point. I spent the day yesterday so upset and worried. The cold hard truth is this is our fault and that is that. We didn't save cash for our oldest son's car, we bought it through financing. We didn't even have a down payment to put on it. At the time we bought it Brian was managing our money on his own. We discussed getting him a used vehicle, and at the time we thought the monthly payment was doable. Now we will be stuck with the monthly payment and the cost of repairs, because we were DUMB. 
Thankfully, he is able to walk to classes from his dorm. We are brainstorming on where the money to fix it will come from. Another lesson learned, pay cash for a car, and budget for maintenance and repairs on your vehicles, never know when things will blow-up.
This month our Sunday sermons have been on giving, being generous and trusting the Lord with all of our stuff. I found myself thinking about the amount of money we have been tithing each month and although we have made some changes it is still not where we need to be. We discussed this on our way home from church this morning, and when I asked Brian his take on it he just said "I know we should and I want to but the thought of it scares me" he was honest and for that I am glad. We will be praying about this, and when I sat down and looked things over this month for the budget it doesn't look possible until I start my new job and have the means to do it. My heart is there, I just need the money to do it with. This is so hard, because I know that had we not made so many normal, dumb mistakes we wouldn't be where we are today. When Brian and I first got married we tithed our 10% faithfully every month. Ironically when we bought our second home, that all changed. That's probably why things have not worked out so well for us!!
We didn't really meet any financial goals for this month, just barely scraping by. I did start one of my new jobs, and so far so good. I really think I will love it (once I figure out what I'm doing).
This was also the first Valentines' Day that I didn't buy the kids or Brian anything. But they will survive I suppose.

Summary; We did manage to have a manageable income for the month. I started one of my new jobs. We still have the emergency fund, although it's not at the amount it was. We were in a position to help out one of my family members in a bad situation.
Downside; We used some money from savings, we made more money than projected, so that means we blew our budget. We didn't stick to our food budget, and we ended up eating out to much. Due to the weather I missed two days of work.

Goals for next month; Increase our savings. Go to the store and stick to our grocery budget. Get Hunter's vehicle fixed and recoup from the extra expense.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Christmas Time 2015

So sad to say, but December has always been a stressful time for me. As a child of God I know the true meaning of Christmas all to well, but this world sure does make it hard to make it through this season without worry. And yes I know that scripture tells us to worry about nothing and pray about everything, so this year I applied that to me life literally..... I prayed that I wouldn't worry. I worry about things that I'm sure many of you all do as well, bills, buying gifts for others, all the extra stuff that shows up like dirty Santa games, gifts for teachers, party supplies, Christmas dinner and many more behind the scene things. I try to be a rational person, so I really shouldn't worry about things that aren't that important to me, but I still do! I want to do Christmas simple..... Get our children gifts and spend time with our families and that's it, accomplishing that is still a challenge to me every year. I'm writing this now in January so clearly we survived. But that's just it, I survived, I don't just want to survive I want to thrive through Christmas. Make it what it really is..... The most wonderful time of the year, the birth of our Lord and Savior. So now it's time to talk about the budget for December.
Going into this I am still working at two part-time jobs, which have no benefits. Brian is working at his full-time job as well as working at his part-time job as well. Working extra in December was very challenging because we had all the "extra things" to attend. Christmas play practice, holiday parties at work, Nutcracker play practice, Cheer stuff, haven and Hunter both had birthdays and on and on it goes. So where we are used to working 5-6 days a week that was cut very short. Some weeks I only worked 2 days*** that really stinks your paycheck up! But like I said, we survived.
We were able to make it through the month, because we saved for the storm. According to Dave Ramsey, you need $1000.00 in the emergency fund, we have found that for us we save a little more than that for an emergency within the emergency! It depends on your family's situation, we knew back in October that the next few months could be hard on us so we stored up. When I left my previous job, we knew that it could take me a little while to find something else and get started. So I would just say that do whatever is best for your family in your situation.

Brian and I started participating in Christmas Club saving about five years ago, and this has made a huge change in how we buy at Christmas. Before we had the idea that we would put money back a little at a time and well that was never the case, because we didn't have any extra money to put back. Then we headed into the Holiday season with no money, which meant we either put it on a credit card, or we used bill money to buy Christmas. Just saying that out loud is embarrassing! Oh the dumb things we used to do......
So here's the nitty gritty;
  • We closed out the month with the lowest monthly bring home pay since starting back in May.
  • We still managed to pay all the bills on time, and cash flow Christmas
  • We ended the month with a $55.00 decrease in our savings
  • The most important part, I ended the month with 2 new jobs. One is Full-time with great compensation and full benefits, the other is part time and less than 10 minutes away from home.
  • We were also still able to continue tithing even though we were down in our income.
  • We didn't pay off any extra debts, but I am still okay with that given our situation.
Goals for January;
  • Maintain.... This is key, because I don't start me new jobs until February, and April
  • Keep a positive attitude despite my frustration with a smaller income for the next month or so.
Goals for 2016;
  • Stay the course.... every time I get a little discouraged I look back at where we were and then I can keep focusing on where we are going! 
  • Plan to plan our work and work our plan..... we want to reach our debt goal for May, and then celebrate with a vacation this summer.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving During the Month of November

November was a challenging month for us. More so for me I suppose, Brian didn't express that he had worries as much as I did. I've learned that he keeps most of his worrying on the inside, as for me, well lets just say I vocalize 99.9% of mine. Challenges included a significant decrease in our monthly income, I think this month has the lowest amount of gross income in the past seven months we've been on this journey. I resigned form my full-time position at the end of October for personal reasons (that I don't want to share here on this blog). It was out of character for me, and we maintained the rest of the month, and have still managed to move forward into November. We are facing Christmas and four birthdays in the next 2 months here at the Merrick house. We also love this time and both Brian and I have a hard time not splurging during the holidays. Hopefully we will continue progressing despite the holiday season.

Monthly Outcome
  • increased savings by 1/3
  • paid off 2 medical bills
  • Cash flowed an extra expense for my school
We are pressing on for December, I have had a few really awesome potential job opportunities and I'm just waiting to where it is that God wants me to be. I do want to say that despite being down one full-time job this month we were able to tithe more than we have since the beginning of this journey, this is proof that God blesses us even more when we are faithful.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October Update

October was the second highest month for us in grossed pay. We worked very hard, and we had a great month for bonuses. This was a blessing, especially considering our expenses for our family trip. We also met our goals for the month. October was also a rough month emotionally for me due to some unforeseen changes with my employment. Without going into a great amount of detail I will just say that I am praying for God to open another door for me in my career. I have left the Family Practice were I was working, and I am waiting to see what God is going to do with my future career as an APRN.
Now I want to also say that this little job adjustment of mine would not really have been possible had we not saved extra money in addition to our emergency fund. According to Dave's plan $1000.00 in the emergency fund is acceptable, and everything else should be put straight toward debt. We have changed this step for us by adding to the emergency fund every month and including that in our monthly budget. Christmas is coming up and I am starting to worry about the outcome. Although we have saved a little all year it seems that we never have enough, maybe this year it will be different. I would like to still pay off debt, even though we have double the expenses with our shopping and all.

GOALS: Made above what we budgeted again, Three months in a row. Met all of our expenses, and paid all bills on time even early. Paid off 3 major bills, 1 credit card, 1 medical bill, and 1 unexpected college bill. Increased our savings account.

GOALS for next Month: Bring home projected income, maybe more. Will be anxiously waiting to see the result given I'm out of a full-time job. Try to pay at least one small bill off this month. Increase our Christmas savings money by $500.00. Save for new tires for the vehicle, hope to purchase them with cash by the end of December (in the 14 years we've been married we have always financed our tires, what an accomplishment to pay with cash). We also have to pay to have the boat winterized.

I will keep you posted on our progress, please pray that God will provide me with a great new job opportunity.

Trips on a Budget

Every October we travel with my extended family to TN for a long weekend filled with shopping, fun, and memories. We have participated in this tradition for 13 years now, and we know a year in advance when, where and how much it will be. Do you think we are ever really financially prepared for this event? Well of course not, we are normal people remember? Every year we say "next year we will put money back so when we come down we will have the funds necessary to shop til we drop, and let the kids run wild on go-carts, and roller coasters" then life happens and before you know it we are leaving in 2 days for our trip, it's not been paid for, and we have no money for the fun stuff, not even enough to eat out. This is where we used to mess up every year, we would shop (a little), and let the kids play (a little) then come home and find that we had spent bill money on our trip, and the cycle goes on and on....... Creatures of habit remember? What does Dave say? "Finances are 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge" I want to recap our trip from a financial perspective.
The Good;
Brian and I discussed the money plan twice before we left for our trip. We both decided what activities and shopping we wanted to do, and we planned our meals too. I am proud of us for doing this, I think it was a big help this year. We did have our trip paid for prior to us leaving, that's a plus too! We also had a decent amount of cash on us, and we planned on using cash only. We collaborated on what activities we thought the kids and our pocket book would enjoy. We stuck to the eating out plan.
The Bad;
We did use cash on almost everything we purchased, however there were a few stores we used our debit card in, and before we knew it we had spent much more than we had planned on. We bought clothes for the kids mostly, and both Brian and I got a few items of clothing too. Nothing elaborate, but things that we needed. However, we should have saved more money. I underestimated how much money it takes to buy clothes these days. We ran out of a few food items that required us stopping at the store to get a few things.
The Overall;
Mostly I am proud of us, and how we managed our trip this year. I added our total expenses up for this year, and plan on increasing our budget for next year's trip by double. One day we will get this process down to a science, but I cannot tell you how proud I am of both my husband and I. Our behavior is changing for the better! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September Update

The agony of living paycheck to paycheck has taken a toll on me, and I believe on Brian too! Although he has not verbalized it, I know that if I'm feeling it he is too. I have found that on many days when I am weak he has been strong enough for us both! I did start my new PT job this month, and so far so good! It's a lot different from what I am doing on a daily biases and that has it's good points. Brian has been a good sport this month and has allowed me to work outside the home for extra money while he has been running kids to and from many different activities. I had to miss a couple of days of work due to a health problem I am having with one of my knees. I have been humbled through this process to say the least. My how I take so many things for granted each and everyday. Just having the ability to get up everyday and get the little things done is a blessing we so often forget to acknowledge, or at least I know I did. I am on the mend though.
We have been more tight for money this month, and mostly because of the extra expenses we have had for various reasons (college stuff, PT bills, Medical bills, eating out a lot more than normal, etc.) This morning while looking through the pantry I noticed how barren it has become. Little extra things we used to keep in there have been used. Not much left to eat in there, don't get me wrong we won't starve however we have kept the grocery bill as tight as possible and now we are seeing the results. Over the last two weeks I haven't been able to walk let alone meal plan and grocery shop. Brian went last week and did really good on the budget! Today I made the meal plan for the next two weeks, which is something different. With weekly income we have been shopping once a week, but there won't be income next week (because I missed a day of work) so it's grocery shopping for 13 days this time. We will follow that by going on a small weekend getaway with my extended family. I have been brain storming on activities, food, shopping and kennel costs for the dog for about 2 weeks now. The trip is paid for (thanks to an unexpected bonus from work). Last year when we went we didn't eat out at all, we took food and everyone cooked saving us a lot of money. It was hard to tell the kids "No" to extra stuff, and to not have the means to buy their fall clothes like always but I didn't die from it. This is a process!!!! Remember it's 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior modification.
Here is the update:
1. Made approx. $500.00 more than projected
2. Paid off two extra bills (one credit card, fall trip)
3. Increased our savings account amount
So onward march we go into the next month!!! Goals for the next month include paying off another small credit card bill. A few medical bills, and an unexpected college bill.